Benchmarks (Excerpt)

Framework Benchmark Description
Actor4j ping.pong.grouped This benchmark shows inter-communication between actors on different threads.
Here, actors are bundled as a distributed pair and communicate with each other.
Synchronization is necessary [1].
Actor4j ping.pong.bulk This benchmark shows inter- and intra-communication between the actors (estimated distribution N:1).
Here, actors are bundled as a (distributed) pair and communicate with each other.
It is based on the benchmark for Akka or Akka.NET, which was used to advertise (50 million msg/s) the resulting message throughput. [1].
Actor4j ring.nfold This benchmark shows intra-communcation between actors on the same thread.
Here, actors are bundled in groups and communicate in a ring structure with each other.
No synchronization is needed [1].
Akka ping.pong -
Akka ping.pong.bulk -
Akka ring.nfold -
JADE ping.pong -
JADE ping.pong.bulk -
JADE ring.nfold -

Tab. 1: List of benchmarks

Command Line Tool - Example for Actor4j:

java -jar benchmark.jar -class ping.pong.grouped -threads 16 -factor 1 -actors 100 -warmup 10 -duration 60000

Command Line Tool - Example for Akka:

java -jar benchmark.jar -akka -class ping.pong -threads 16 -factor 1 -actors 100 -warmup 10 -duration 60000


[1] D. A. Bauer and J. Mäkiö, “Actor4j: A Software Framework for the Actor Model Focusing on the Optimization of Message Passing,” AICT 2018: The Fourteenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, IARIA, Barcelona, Spain 2018, pp. 125-134, [Online]. Available from: